Attorney at Law
Post Office Box 330
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 19010-0030
Telephone & Fax: 610 525-5534


Via Fax to 717 787-6564

Honorable Samuel H. Smith, Speaker
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
139 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2066

Re: Request for House Investigation

Dear Speaker Smith:

I write you as a Pennsylvania citizen who abhors what I have read this past week about allegations of bribery of certain House members disclosed by the Philadelphia Inquirer. I also write you as an attorney in shock over the sheer political opportunism and incompetence of Attorney General Kane.

Finally, I write as someone with the positive life experience of having long been associated with former Speaker K. Leroy Irvis and Pennsylvania state government during much better times. I admit that for some time I have not been able to recognize the Pa House as an institution of which I was once proud. It pains me to read that allegedly criminal activity took place in the building named after Speaker Irvis.

Given the fact that the Attorney General has refused to do her job, it seems incumbent on the House to do an investigation which could go some considerable distance in beginning to regain the public trust and reverse the impression that there are different rules for public officials and the politically connected.

I hope to hear from you.

Very truly yours,

Mark D. Schwartz, Esquire