Order No. 1647 (Kirkland)
Member of the PA House of Representatives 159th State House District
Delaware County, Pennsylvania


  1. Per the Consent Agreement of the parties, no violation of Section 1103(a) of the Public Official and Employee Ethics Act (“Ethics Act”), 65 Pa.C.S. § 1103(a), occurred when Legislative Initiative Grants for entities associated with Thaddeus Kirkland (“Kirkland”), Member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, and/or members of Kirkland’s immediate family were sponsored/recommended for funding through Kirkland’s legislative office between December 19, 2007, and November 30, 2009, as case law in Pennsylvania at that time found that a non-profit was not considered a “business with which [one] is associated” for purposes of the Ethics Act.
  2. As part of a negotiated settlement agreement, a single violation of Section 1103(a) of the Ethics Act, 65 Pa. C.S. § 1103(a), occurred when a Legislative Initiative Grant for an entity associated with Kirkland and/or members of Kirkland’s immediate family was

recommended for funding through Kirkland’s legislative office and a member of his immediate family received payment from those grant funds, namely, his daughter was paid $2,000.00 for services rendered to the Across Colors Cultural Committee.

  1. PertheConsentAgreementoftheparties,Kirklandisdirectedtomakepaymentinthe amount of $2,000.00 payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and forwarded to the Pennsylvania State Ethics Commission by no later than the thirtieth (30th) day after the mailing date of this Order.
  2. Per the Consent Agreement of the parties, Kirkland is directed to not accept any reimbursement, compensation or other payment from the Pennsylvania House of Representatives representing a full or partial reimbursement of the amount paid in settlement of this matter.
  3. Compliance with paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Order will result in the closing of this case with no further action by this Commission.

a. Non-compliance will result in the institution of an order enforcement action.

You may access the full text version of the above ruling by clicking on the link or by copying and pasting it into your browser:

1647 Kirkland: http://www.ethicsrulings.state.pa.us/weblink8/0/doc/218710/Page1.aspx