
Gene Stilp Calls on Senate  Education Committee Chairman Folmer to Conduct Full Senate Education Committee Hearing in the Tomalis Scandal

In a strongly worded letter, good government activist Gene Stilp, has called on Senate Education Committee Chairman Mike Folmer to hold an investigative hearing into the activities and inactivity of of Ron Tomalis, Governor Corbett’s Special Advisor of Education.

The letter is attached.

In the letter Mr. Stilp asked Senator Folmer, “Why did Governor Corbett’s Special Advisor on Education Ron Tomalis, never meet with Governor Corbett in the entire fifteen months he was receiving the very elevated state salary of $175,000 (fifteen months at $139,500 per year) plus benefits, and where is the verifiable work product for that $175,000?”

Mr. Stilp continued, “As the senator from the 48th District you owe your constituents a clear explanation of all the facts. However, as the Senate Education Chairman you owe all the citizens of Pennsylvania a full explanation of all the facts as found by the full committee.”

On July 26, 2014, Pittsburgh Post Gazette revealed that Governor Corbett’s Special Advisor on Education apparently had very little or no work  product to show for his work when the Pittsburgh Post Gazette’s Right to Know Requests were returned from the PA Department of Education. The result showed no apparent or verifiable work product, only five emails for the entire year, an average of only one phone call a day for a year, little if any reimbursable expenses for travel and education conferences and meetings for PA Department of Education related activity,  minimal contact with education institutions and leading educators across the Commonwealth and a possible seven month hiatus from the office while supposedly working from his home.

The Secretary of Education Carolyn Dumaresq has been accused of a coverup and has been urged also to step down.

Mr. Stilp also noted that state records policy may have been violated.

The following lists the complaints and requests for investigation involving the Corbett/Tomails/Dumaresq coverup: complaints and requests for investigation have been filed with the U.S. Department of Education Office of Inspector General  because federal funds are involved,  the U.S. Department of Justice because federal funds are involved, the Pennsylvania Office of Inspector General Bureau of Special Investigations which handles waste and fraud investigations, the Pennsylvania Office of Auditor General which handles contract performance, the Pennsylvania State Ethics Commission, and the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General which has prosecuted ghost employees and those who coverup ghost employment.

You have two choices. You either have to get to the whole truth or you become part of the coverup.

You have to ask yourself,  “Are you involuntarily part of the coverup? Have you also been misled?

Have you been told to be quiet?

I have not seen occasions when you bowed to internal pressure. I have never seen an occasion when garage pass records were the sole justification accepted by a committee chairman to justify the stopping or getting at the truth of a situation which has to be fully investigated.

Ask yourself this question: are you succumbing to pressure and from whom? Is the obstruction of justice occurring?

This is your personal gut check time.  More facts are going to emerge in the future and you are either on the side of those who are seeking the whole truth or those who are obstructing the full truth.  Which Mike Folmer are we going to see?

The excuse that there is no time to hold a hearing before the full Senate Education Committee does not hold water. I would like to note that the Senate has been on vacation for over a month and has plenty of time to schedule a hearing. Justice and your interest in the truth demands it. The PA Constitution in your suit pocket demands it . These same representatives from the Department of Education that you met with must appear before the full committee and answer all questions. Secretary Carolyn Dumaresq must appear.

The days of the citizens of Pennsylvania believing the opinion of one individual, in this case, you, as the arbitrator of the exact truth are far over.

Again: How does Governor Corbett’s Special Advisor on Education which the Governor hired at the same salary as the Secretary of Education never meet with the Governor while serving for fifteen months at that position with an accumulated salary of $175,000 (based on the contract rate of $139,500 per year) have no verifiable work product? Do you clearly understand how the electronic document storage system for the PA Department of Education works? Do you have a transcript of the meeting with the PA Department of Education officials that was held in your office?

Let’s get back to basics.

You know me and I know you.

I personally remember the citizen Mile Folmer who fought the 2005 pay raise and the Mike Folmer I personally helped get elected senator in 2006 by directly coming to the district and pointing out the unconstitutionality of your opponents pay raise actions and per diem practices. Remember: I was the one who filed the Pennsylvania Supreme Court case in the pay raise scandal.

I understand the tight spot you are in. You have probably been told that your Education Committee  Chairmanship is gone if you don’t play ball and be quiet.

Mike, it is time to stand up.

No taxpayer in your district believes that Ron Tomalis earned $175,000 for whatever he did.  They want restitution of the taxpayer money. They want the whole truth no matter where it leads.

Go get it for them.



Gene Stilp